Friday, September 3, 2010


4 Horses

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
The four horsemen appear when the Lamb (Jesus) opens the first four seals of a scroll with seven seals (which is described in Revelation chapter 6). As each of the first four seals are opened a different coloured horse and its rider is seen by the apostle John as described in Rev 6:1-8.
 A white horse
First seal is opened : a white horse appears, its rider held a bow (conquest). 

(Rev 6:1-8 NIV) I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, "Come!" {2} I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. 
Opinions differ on whether the first horseman, riding the white horse, represents Christ or the False Prophet. The white color of the first horse could mean victory, because generals of that time often rode white horses after they had won a battle or war. The crown that its rider wore was a kind of prize awarded for service in a war. The bow that he carried could be a symbol of an enemy at that time, the Parthians, who were famous for their archery. Some commentators have thought it significant, however, that no arrows are mentioned.
A red horse
Second seal is opened : a red horse appears, its rider holds a sword (war)
{3} When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" {4} Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.The red color of the second horse could mean bloody war, and the sword held by the rider could symbolize war and violence.
A black horse Third seal is opened: a black horse appears, its rider holds a pair of scales (famine)  {5} When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. {6} Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"  The black color of the third horse could be a symbol of death and famine. Its rider was holding a scale, which means scarcity of food, higher prices, and famine.                                                                           A pale horse
Fourth seal is opened : a pale horse appears, its rider is called Death
{7} When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come!" {8} I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth. 
The pale greenish color of the fourth horse means fear, sickness, decay, and death. 

From Genesis to Revelation, the name Babylon has come up, again and again, 
all throughout the Holy Scriptures. In this site, we will discover just 
what Mystery Babylon was, how it survived, and what it has become today. We'll 
discover just how the true enemy of the Christian church is this Babylonian system 
of old.We'll discover how a system that began in Babylon so long ago survived, and
 flourished, to currently manipulate many processes in our world today. 
This site also provides an outlet for little-known or otherwise suppressed interpretations of 
the earliest stories of the Bible.No, this is not a "politically-correct" attempt to water-down
that which was commonplace in biblical wording for thousands of years, nor is it an attempt 

to contradict what the Bible says; quite the opposite. This site upholds the Scriptures. 
We value the Bible for the original words and content contained 
therein. The problem with Biblical interpretation lies in the variety of meanings contained
within the original Hebrew, as well as the flawed 
attempts of human beings to correctly translate it into other languages.

NEw Jerusalem
Arrival of the New Jerusalem City:  Revelation 21:1-6 (KJV)

1 And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth: for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

2 And I John saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband.
3 And I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God.
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
5 And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said unto me, Write: for these words are True and Faithful.
6 And He said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the Water of Life freely.

Revelation Chart 2
Now, of course, we are at once confronted with the obvious objection--how do we know that these messages are really from beyond? How do we know that the medium is not consciously writing, or if that be improbable, that he or she is unconsciously writing them by his or her own higher self? This is a perfectly just criticism, and it is one which we must rigorously apply in every case, since if the whole world is to become full of minor prophets, each of them stating their own views of the religious state with no proof save their own assertion, we should, indeed, be back in the dark ages of implicit faith. The answer must be that we require signs which we can test before we accept assertions which we cannot test. In old days they demanded a sign from a prophet, and it was a perfectly reasonable request, and still holds good. If a person comes to me with an account of life in some further world, and has no credentials save his own assertion, I would rather have it in my waste-paperbasket than on my study table

7 Churches
Binding is like a temporary spiritual handcuffing. You can bind a demon spirit, much like tying something up with rope or chains. You cannot bind a person's free will, but you can bind the demons affecting or influencing that person.Binding is NOT the same practice as casting out demons, casting out demons brings fourth lasting results, whereas binding is only to tie them down for a period of time. If you are trying to talk to or minister to somebody, and they seem impossible to get through to it can be helpful to bind up the spirits inside that person, which will handcuff the enemy so you can directly and effectively minister to that person without having them continually held back by the enemy's interference. 

Seven Seal
The seven seals (Revelation 6:1-17, 8:1-5), seven trumpets (Revelation 8:6-21, 11:15-19), and seven bowls (Revelation 16:1-21) are three succeeding series of end-times judgments from God. The judgments get progressively worse and more devastating as the end times progress. The seven seals, trumpets, and bowls are connected to one another. The seventh seal introduces the seven trumpets (Revelation 8:1-5), and the seventh trumpet introduces the seven bowls (Revelation 11:15-19, 15:1-8).

The first four of the seven seals are known as the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. The first seal introduces the Antichrist (Revelation 6:1-2). The second seal causes great warfare (Revelation 6:3-4). The third of the seven seals causes famine (Revelation 6:5-6). The fourth seal brings about plague, further famine, and further warfare (Revelation 6:7-8).The fifth seal tells us of those who will be martyred for their faith in Christ during the end times (Revelation 6:9-11). God hears their cries for justice and will deliver it in His timing—in the form of the sixth seal, along with the trumpet and bowl judgments. When the sixth of the seven seals is broken, a devastating earthquake occurs, causing massive upheaval and terrible devastation—along with unusual astronomical phenomena (Revelation 6:12-14). Those who survive are right to cry out, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?” (Revelation 6:16-17).

Book of Daniel
Daniel, a book in the Old Testament of the Bible, is listed with the Major Prophets by Christians and with the Writings (Ketuvim) by the Jews. It comprises six stories of the trials of Daniel and his companions while they served at the court of Babylon, as well as four visions of the end of the world. The book takes its name, not from the author, who is actually unknown, but from its hero, a 6th century Jew. Internal evidence indicates that the book was written during the Maccabean wars (167 - 164 BC).
Daniel is a form of Apocalyptic Literature rather than prophecy; it is cast in symbolic imagery about the end of time and is attributed to an earlier authority. The book was intended to encourage Jews in the face of religious persecution by the Hellenistic kingdom of the Seleucids and their Jewish sympathizers. Daniel contains the only certain Old Testament reference to bodily Resurrection, presents a form of the Son of Man tradition influential in the Gospel traditions about Jesus Christ, and was a primary source for the visions of the New Testament Book of Revelation.

Last 7 Pleagues
These saints are neither the saints of the Gospel age nor even of the general harvest period. The saints engaged to sing this song are those that had gotten the "victory over the beast, and over his image."    While in token form the saints have indeed separated themselves from Babylon in this harvest time, what is implied here is more than that. These saints have "gotten the victory over" or conquered the "beast" and "his image," and his "number."    There was no "beast" or "image" in the early church. While there was the making of a "beast" starting around Constantine’s time that began to emerge, this is not what Revelation 15 is focusing on. Indeed, the saints throughout the age did not worship this dreadful papal beast. However, the time sequence of our study is when a joint endeavor by both the "beast" and the "image of the beast" is orchestrated.    The "image of the beast" is represented in the Protestant federation, which did not even begin until 1846 with the Evangelical Alliance. Nothing much came of this movement. When the Evangelical Alliance was dissolved, they gave all their papers and records to the World Council of Churches.    The World Council of Churches was born in 1948, the same year the nation of Israel was born. Since that time, liberal elements have aligned the World Council  of Churches more with communism than with the Western world, and the organization began to lose its way.    Since the demise of communism, the World Council has begun to reorient its focus.  They will come to a posture similar to that of the Catholic Church today. What the two have in common is a desire to become a dominant religious and political force in the world. The Scriptures teach they will succeed in this. (See Revelation 13:15-18.)    The point of our lesson is that the "beast" and its "image" will not succeed in making the true saints receive their "mark," either in their "forehead" or in their "hand," or even to accept the number of the beast "666," which translated means "Vicar of the Son of God."    Our head is the Lord Jesus Christ. We recognize no "Vicar" of Christ, "for one is your Master, … and all ye are brethren" (Matthew 23:8).

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